Dabda Kithe Aa | ( Full HD) | R Nait Ft. Gurlez Akhtar | Mista Baaz | New Punjabi Songs 2019

Dabda Kithe Aa | ( Full HD) | R Nait Ft. Gurlez Akhtar | Mista Baaz | New Punjabi Songs 2019


Dabda Kithe Aa | ( Full HD) | R Nait Ft. Gurlez Akhtar | Mista Baaz | New Punjabi Songs 2019 | Latest Punjabi Songs 2019 | Jass Records Subscribe To Our Channel

https://www.jiosaavn.com/album/dabda-... Title | Dabda Kithe Aa Singer & Lyrics | R Nait Female Singer | Gurlez Akhtar Music | Mista Baaz A Film By | B2gether Pros Mix And Master | Sameer Promotions By | Gold Media Entertainment Concept , Screenplay , Direction | Mahi Sandhu & Joban Sandhu Publicity Design | Impressive Design Studio Socail Media Promo | Giftyhaber Media Label | Jass Records facebook - http://www.Facebook.Com/Officialjassr...
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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.